Monday, June 4, 2012

College is Over...Now What?

A strange thing happened the other day...something that I've only ever dreamt about. But it was real.

I was wearing a black gown over a new red dress (seriously, why did I buy a new dress just to wear a robe over it all day? Good thing it was only $15) a funny hat (that gives you the worst hat hair possible), and golden cords lay around my neck.

And there I was, standing at the top of the steps.
"Emily Marie Gehman, with highest honors."
They read my name, and I walked across the stage.
This is it. This is the culmination of the last four years. 

I shook the president's hand, received my (very expensive) towel and diploma (cover) and walked off the stage. (I'm sure glad it was a walk and not a trip across the stage!)

And just like that, it was over.
My college career was over.
That sure went by fast.

I am a college graduate! Does this, like, mean that I'm like, a real, like, adult or something? Zoikes, Scoob!

The funny thing is, learning, whether formally or informally, simply teaches you how much you don't know. (My parents are going, "We paid HOW much so you could learn THAT?!) In the grand scheme of things, I couldn't pack very much knowledge into a four-year undergraduate program. There's a lot left to learn!

But one thing I do know: God is faithful. He was faithful to get me to Baptist Bible College. He was faithful to keep me at Baptist Bible College. He was faithful to teach me at Baptist Bible College. He was faithful to love me through the college years. And He will be faithful to do all of those things at wherever the next stop is going to be. To get me there. To keep me there (for however long He sees fit). To teach me there. To love me there.

So He whispers, "I know what life after college looks like, and I won't let you down. Trust Me."

Oh, how thankful I am for God's faithfulness!

1 comment:

  1. We're done! Yesterday marked 1 month since we walked across that stage! Yes, God is faithful. Thanks for the reminder :)
