Sunday, November 1, 2009

In my frantic search to find something, ANYTHING to do OTHER than Homework, my computer cursor found its way to my nifty little blog...
Ahhh procrastination
at its finest!

Well, my writing habits have digressed and for this I apologize. My personal journal has also suffered the consequences of an addiction to sleep and the taskmaster of college life! The past couple weeks have been somewhat crazy. At times I'm almost completely convinced that my professors get together each week to figure out how they can make me scramble to put all the pieces of my academic life together in time! This week they certainly gave me a run for my money! Well, let me rephrase that...they already have my money! And to think...all of that money and in the end, all I get is a little piece of paper...I could make my own diploma! Now there's a higher-level thought!
The moral of the story is...never believe it when someone tells you that college is a breeze...I mean we do get some pretty high winds here but I wouldn't call any of them "breezes"...
Um... yeah. I'm pretty much working my fingers to the bone and by the end of the semester my brain will be mush! But, to quote my little friend Khalil, "I am okay with that now!"

Yikes, my mind is a scary place to be at 10:07 pm!

If you are still reading, you get a gold star and a sticker that says, "You're #1!"

Okay, so what's really going on with me, you ask? Well, if you've been paying any attention at all, you know that I have been working hard! Today, I was sitting in church and the thought dawned on me: "The last time I was off-campus was LAST Sunday, to go to church!" And I realized how much of a bookworm I am (and not really the good kind, but more of the academic OCD kind of bookworm)!! Which isn't a bad thing, but there comes a time in a college student's life when they really just need to get off campus!

Okay, in all seriousness (who am I kidding, seriousness isn't really going to make it into this post) - School is going well. There are two classes that I'm absolutely loving, mostly because of the professors (MAN are they SMART!) and partly because of the material. The rest of them, well...come to your own conclusions :)
The good part is - the semester is more than 1/2 way over, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel - or so I'm told! We're all looking forward to Thanksgiving break for sure!
In other news...I tried a new church this morning, which I REALLY liked, and I think I will keep going. I'm excited for that!
God is teaching me SO much here, and the more I learn the more I realize how tiny I am compared to the Great and Mighty God that we serve!!

Well, I have procrastinated long enough -- I really should get to those last few pages of reading...oh, joy! The reading never is endless...there is no end to this tunnel nor is there a after page after page...the reading...and reading...

Hey, thanks for reading! ;)

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