Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm Back! (And YOU Thought You Got Rid of Me!)

Woah! Sorry to leave ya hangin' there...

Well...welcome to Junior year! Crazy to think that I am half-way done with college! When did that happen?

Okay well...the good news is I am staying out of trouble...the bad news is I don't really have time to think! I am taking 16 credits and I'm working 2 jobs, AND I'm on the Student Leadership Council. So - it's a pretty busy semester, but so far so good.

In other news, I'm again working in the Communications & Marketing Department writing news stories for BBC's website. I don't write all of them, but I do a lot of the research. It's fun!

The Underground Cafe is also a favorite place of mine...Although I don't drink coffee (they might want to rethink hiring non-coffee drinkers at a Coffeehouse), I can make some pretty darn good coffee. Dare I say it is growing on me? I mean, not that I'm actually growing coffee beans on my arms (that could get awkward)...rather, I'm starting to enjoy select coffee-flavored drinks. However, there is a difference between "drinking coffee" and liking coffee flavored drinks...

So, I've already been at school for a little over a month, but it really feels like I've been here forever. The summer was way too fun, and I'm still grieving its passing. This generally takes the form of daily phone calls home, which are pretty much my favorite part of the day...Hm, I don't know if that's good or bad! This much I know: My MOM doesn't mind! :)

I've already been involved in a lot of random things this semester. Last week, I participated in Scranton's "Race for the Cure" where over 5000 people gathered to raise money for Breast Cancer research (Susan G. Komen Centers) through running and/or walking a 5K course. I've never been part of anything like that before, and it was amazing to see so many people come out for a cause that has affected so many lives. My roommate lost her mom to breast cancer, so I wore a sign on my back that said "I race in memory of Robyn Leonard." It was humbling to be a part of something so much bigger than myself or even just the tiny school of Baptist Bible College. It was moving to see so many people gathered for a common cause. That was only 5000 people...Imagine what Heaven will be like! Amazing!

On a side note, I'm adopted!

No, I'm NOT saying that my parents waited almost 21 years to tell me I was adopted - that might start some rumors. What I MEAN to say is that I've been "adopted" by a couple in the church that I go to here - Summit Baptist Bible Church. They are starting an "adopt a college kid" program (which is a FANTASTIC idea) and some of the empty nesters are taking on some college kids to keep an eye out for us. I'm pretty excited about it. The people who have "adopted" me actually work right here on BBC campus, so I get to see them fairly often. I'm pretty excited. It's going to be fun. I'm so thankful for such godly men and women who take time to build into my life. God is so good to me!

Well that's about it right now...just trying to stay on top of everything. This weekend is Rob Laing's wedding in Lancaster, PA, which is only about 2 hours away from here, so I'm really looking forward to being there and seeing everyone! And after that, Bible Conference is only in 2 weeks, which gives us at least 4 days off of classes, and my parents are coming out for a visit then! So I'm super excited about that. The semester is going by fast...and it's already the first day of fall! What?!?

God is good!!!

Stay classy, my friends.

-The one, the only, Emily :)

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