Monday, January 24, 2011

This isn't what I signed up for! Oh wait...maybe it was...

It's Sunday night. I'm putting off the dread of Monday morning by staying up makes the weekend seem longer.
That, and I took a 2 hour nap this afternoon, so I'm not going to sleep anytime soon. That probably wasn't one of my brighter moments. Oh well. Now you get to read this!

Here I am - back for another semester of thrashing by my textbooks. It's a double thrashing, really: First, I buy textbooks for unreasonable amounts of money, just to have them kick my behind at their first binding crack. Self-inflicted pain! And they say college makes us smarter!

Junior year. I'm about ready to go around to the underclassmen to warn them NOT to have a junior year...But I feel that may do more harm than good. That being said, I am kind of regretting this whole junior year of college thing. I'm taking a solid 17 credits, working 2 jobs, and I'm an RA. That's intense. Good classes though - which helps immensely!

Physiological Psychology (yes, that's what it's called. Don't ask me to explain it, cuz i'm not sure I even spelled it right. It's 4 credits. I'm scared.)
Theology IV (Ecclesiology and Baptist Distinctives. Good material + Great professor = favorite class)
Psychology of Learning and Education ("POLE" Looks interesting. Sort of.)
Dynamics of Discipleship (Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about. A class about discipleship! Probably one of the most applicable classes BBC offers. Sweet!)
Women Counseling Women (Sounds good...except it's a night class. And we all know how dangerous night classes are...)
Issues in Professionalism (online class, which is cool, except there is still a weekend of lectures, and a good amount of work to be done.)

The good news is...only 14 more weeks to go!

We actually had a snow/ice day on Tuesday, the second day of classes! It was nice, except I'm still missing one syllabus (Night class on Tuesday was also cancelled), so that makes me a little nervous. But I'm sure it will be fine. At least it's the class with that prof that never knows what's going on! You know, that one prof who is really fun to listen to and learn about life from, but at the end of a class it's like, "Ok, so what did we learn today...?" Yep.

So anyways - I'll try to come up for air every once in a while and update you on this junior year nonsense. It's going to be a good semester, but a tough one. Hopefully I'll make it out alive. If I don't - you'll know what happened...another college kid driven to insanity, huddled in the corner with stacks of notecards, drinking espresso and mumbling something about MLA format. Don't say I didn't warn ya.

In other news, it's -11 here tonight. Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow...always good to stay "positive!" The good thing about living on a small campus is that on days like today, you don't have to be out in the cold very long. Although the walk to the cafeteria is pretty long at -11 degrees. "Global warming" is at it again...!

At the end of the day (or the beginning, whichever you'd like to call it at this point. It's 1:15 am), God is good. He is faithful, and His grace is enough. His grace is enough to help me pass Junior year (nothing short of a miracle) and I will be smiling on the other side. :)

"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness!"
Lamentations 3:22

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