Saturday, May 25, 2013

How to Dress Bullies

Last week there was some hubbub about some statements that Mike Jeffries, CEO of Abercrombie & Fitch made a while back. He explained the fact that they only wanted “cool kids” wearing A&F clothes, and that’s why they don’t sell larger sizes.

Admittedly, the company is using a smart marketing strategy, and it’s working for their business. However, the longer-term effects of Jeffries’ attitude and his example to the next generation is a bit disheartening. He’s leading the pack for bullies. Instead of throwing water on the bullying fire, he’s handing each one a can of gasoline. 

Read about Jeffries and the backlash here.

Now I’m not one to jump on the anti-bullying, politically correct bandwagon; I think school culture, of which bullying is a part, can be important for the formative years (if handled correctly by parents), developing morals and character. But I also won’t encourage it.

So when I see a mom like Ally from Murray, Utah, being a parent and teaching her daughter Kaylee about bullying, I do a little happy dance. 

When she found out her daughter was making fun of a classmate’s wardrobe, Ally decided to give Kaylee a taste of her own medicine. So she went to the thrift store and bought Kaylee a few “new” outfits. Watch what happened next here.

I wouldn’t call this cruel and unusual punishment. I call it parenting. And maybe we need  some more parents like Ally so that the Mike Jeffries of the world are kept to an absolute, zero. Make that the maximum, too. 


  1. Initially I thought it would was a good idea as well but now when I really think about it, I don't think one day of putting the clothes on is going to make too much difference. her friends would know it is just part of the punishment. kids can always change clothes at school if she had to wear it more often anyway. It is good to have a walk in someone elses shoes but there is a lot more to the life of the victim then the clothes and why she has to wear them.

    I think having her attend anti-bullying seminars, doing a research paper on bullying and interviewing victims of bullying I think would have a possible longer term effect. Then at some point she could hopefully give a sincere apology.

    typically people bully bc they don't feel good about themselves, often a need to put someone else down so they feel better, there is a psychological reason for bullying someone. Often they crave power, control, acceptance with others. There is always a reason why they feel justified in treating people that way. in some cases there is abuse in the home, or siblings bullying one another and getting away with it.

    I don't know all the answers but I think unless the root of the problem is dealt with, I don't think it will actually stop.

    It is unfortunate that clothing companies are supporting bullying with there statements. I didn't know that so thanks for sharing that. I think with the celebrities supporting and rallying against bullying publically, anti-bully laws, stricter school policies and leaders who reinforce it a starting point,. None of this was around when I was kid. I have been encouraged to hear more about it in today news. with the tragedies in schools getting nation wide attention I think it is something people realize we can't ignore it no longer.It is great to be talking about it and parents trying to stop it on both sides. It is great you brought it up and get people to think about it and the direction people are going about it.

  2. In the long run, A&F will have the short end of the stick. According to Susan Cain, in "Quiet", they are probably leaving out the introverts (who, as a rule, have thinner skin and warmer temperatures). It's the extroverts who are truly "cool". So A&F caters to the extroverts. But today's introverts will be tomorrows parents of extroverts, forbidding their kids from buying clothes at the store that discriminated against them. It's bad business to exclude half of your potential customers.
